52% funded

Warm Winter Campaign

Donors: 98

Warm Winter Campaign

52% funded

حملة الشتاء الدافئ 2022

في فصل الشتاء تزداد معاناة الأسر الفقيرة والمحتاجة والأسر المتعففة في قطاع غزة ولا سيما أولئك الذين يعيشون في مخيمات ومساكن لا تصلح للعيش ولا يستطيعوا تلبية احتياجاتهم الرئيسية.

لذا تسعى الجمعية من خلال هذا المشروع إلى التخفيف من معاناتهم من خلال تزويدهم بمعونة الشتاء التي هم في أمس الحاجة إليها، مثل البطانيات والمدافئ والملابس الحرارية والطعام وغير ذلك.

يواجه الكثير من الأسر في قطاع غزة فصل الشتاء القاسي مع درجات حرارة باردة جداً، الكثير لأنهم لا يستطيعون تحمل الطقس القاسي. الرضع وكبار السن هم الذين يعانون أكثر من غيرهم، وأجسادهم الهشة غير قادرة على التأقلم لذا كان لا بد من تقديم يد العون والمساعدة لهم.

إن الظروف الانسانية البالغة الصعوبة التي يمر بها قطاع غزة تتطلب بذل الجهد الأعظم و المساهمة الأكبر في تحسين الظروف المعيشية والحياتية لأهلنا في قطاع غزة، ومن هنا كان لا بد من تقديم يد العون و المساعدة للأسر الفقيرة و  المحتاجة خاصة في الأوقات الصعبة و إغاثتها في وقت لا يستطيعون فيه تلبية احتياجات أبنائهم و أسرهم من مستلزمات لا يمكن الاستغناء عنها فهي مقومات الحياة.

في مثل هذه الظروف، تصيب آلاف الأسر الفقيرة الحيرة ما بين توفير الطعام وشراء الوقود للتدفئة، ومما يزيد الأمر سوءًا هو أن منازل سكان هذه المناطق غير مُهيأة للتغيرات المناخية الباردة، كما أن الملابس القليلة التي يمتلكوها لا تقي من برد الشتاء القاسي.

لذا نتقدم إليكم بهذا المشروع (مشروع معونة الشتاء) لإغاثة الأسر الفقيرة والمحتاجة والأسر المتعففة في قطاع غزة، لنحمي الأطفال الفقراء ولنرحم كبار السن والمحتاجين من برد الشتاء ولنحفظ كرامتهم من ذل السؤال، لنحمي من يعيشوا حياة اقتصادية قاسية.

لنفرج همهم وننفس كربهم من خلال مشروع توفير معونة الشتاء والذي سيتم تنفيذه لمدة شهرين لتزويد تلك الأسر بالاحتياجات الأساسية لأبنائهم.

  1. Project introduction

In winter season, the suffering of poor and needy families increases, especially those who live in camps that are not suitable for living and cannot meet their basic needs.

Therefore, through this project, we seek to alleviate their suffering by providing them with the most needed winter aid, such as blankets, heaters, winter clothes food, and more etc.

Poor families in the Gaza Strip face a harsh winter with very cold temperatures, many of them cannot stand the harsh weather. Babies and the elderly are the ones who suffer the most, and their fragile bodies are unable to cope, so it is necessary to help them.


  1. Problem and justifications

Among the most important justifications that prompted the proposal of this project:

  1. The suffering of the Gaza Strip, and the deterioration of the economic situation of families and their inability to coexist in light of the economic deterioration.
  2. The lack of job opportunities in Gaza Strip, which was reflected in the rise in unemployment rates to higher levels than before.

The extremely difficult humanitarian conditions that the Gaza Strip is going through require making the greatest effort and contributing the greatest to easing the siege and improving the living conditions of our people in the Gaza Strip. Hence, it is necessary to provide a helping hand to poor and needy families, especially in difficult times. Relief them at a time when they are unable to meet the needs of their children and families of indispensable necessities.


In such conditions, thousands of poor families are confused between providing food and or purchasing the basic needs for winter.

Therefore, we propose this project (Winter Aid Project) to provide relief to poor and needy families in the Gaza Strip, to protect poor children and to have mercy on the elderly and needy from the cold of winter and to preserve their dignity, to protect those who live a harsh economic life for which they have no fault but that they are in the Gaza Strip.


Through this project, we try to alleviate their distress and relieve their suffering through the winter aid project, which will be implemented for a period of two months to provide these families with the basic needs of their children.


  1. Project objectives and outputs

Providing a decent life for poor and needy families and orphans by providing the basic necessities for the winter season such as clothes, blankets and others.


Expected Special Objectives

  • Securing the basic needs of poor and needy families from the necessary winter requirements
  • Providing aspects of support for poor and needy families and orphans to live a dignified.
  • Sharing with the poor the joy of winter by providing them with means of warmth.


Project outputs

  • Contribute to improving the living and social situation of poor and needy families and orphans during the winter season.
  • Reducing the financial burden on poor and needy families and orphans
  • Protecting the poor, the needy, and orphans from the winter cold by meeting their needs and requirements.
  1. Beneficiaries
  • Poor and needy families who do not have winter supplies.
  • Orphans and their families
  • Companies working in the field of winter clothes, blankets and other winter supplies
  • The local community



Dear brothers,  our prophet peace be upon him said:

A Muslim is the brother of a fellow-Muslim. He should neither commit oppression upon him nor ruin him, and he who meets the need of a brother, Allah would meet big needs, and he who relieved a Muslim from hardship Allah would relieve him from the hardships to which he would be put on the Day of Resurrection, and he who did not expose (the follies of a Muslim) Allah would conceal his follies on the Day of Resurrection.

May Allah bless you and reward you the best

Palestinian Orphan Home Association

Gaza Strip – Palestine

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Donation Total: $250