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Orphans sponsorship Project in Gaza

Donors: 1

Orphans sponsorship Project in Gaza

More than two million people in the Gaza Strip are living in difficult humanitarian conditions, and they have conditions that are different from any region in the world. Every day Gaza Strip witnesses a rise in the number of orphans and the poor.

The number of orphans in the Gaza Strip has reached more than 26,000 orphans, where the difficult humanitarian conditions in the Gaza Strip have a major role in increasing the number of deaths, due to a serious deterioration in the health sector, the lack of medicines and a lack of devices and equipment inside hospitals …


Justifications and importance of sponsoring an orphan

The continuous conditions that the Gaza Strip is going through have led and still lead to great losses of lives and property. Thousands of Palestinians have been martyred, and humanitarian disasters have resulted from this situation as statistics indicate that more than 80% of the Palestinians live below the poverty line.

These situations negatively affect childhood, as many children there lost their breadwinners. Palestinian children live harsh living conditions in refugee camps, lacking health and social care as they losing their breadwinners, and again what all children in the Gaza Strip suffer as a result of difficult economic conditions, where unemployment rates increase and economic deterioration increases.

Orphans sponsorship Project in Gaza

Therefore, taking care of orphans, embracing them and protecting them from the reality of homelessness, deprivation and loss is a major priority in the work of the association.

Sponsoring an orphan, no matter how little it’s amount, it will constitute a tangible change and a positive impact on the life of these orphans, who found in you the kind heart with protraction from being broken at the gates of fear, orphanage and deprivation.

Therefore, taking care of orphans, embracing them and protecting them from the reality of homelessness, deprivation and loss is a major priority in the work of the association. Sponsoring an orphan, no matter how little it’s amount, it will constitute a tangible change and a positive impact on the life of these orphans, who found in you the kind heart with protraction from being broken at the gates of fear, orphanage and deprivation. The goals of sponsoring the orphan 1. Raising orphans in a proper manner in a way that achieve family bonding and community. 2. Providing material and moral support to orphan from his birth until the completion of his education or vocational training and preparing him to face life. 3. Contribute to solving family problems facing an orphan and continuous social intervention in order to stabilize the life of the orphan.

The goals of sponsoring the orphan

  1. Raising orphans in a proper manner in a way that achieve family bonding and community.
  2. Providing material and moral support to orphan from his birth until the completion of his education or vocational training and preparing him to face life.
  3. Contribute to solving family problems facing an orphan and continuous social intervention in order to stabilize the life of the orphan.
  4. Providing social and health services for an orphan and his family in order to achieve balance and psychological and physical security for the orphan.
  5. Providing the basic needs of an orphan such as clothes and food.

4. Providing social and health services for an orphan and his family in order to achieve balance and psychological and physical security for the orphan. 5. Providing the basic needs of an orphan such as clothes and food.

Project implementation

One orphan sponsorship ranges between $ 40 and $ 50 per month in addition to gifts, eid gifts and sadaqa  for each orphan. The association seeks to apply the principle of comprehensive care through sponsorship of a set of educational, health, and educational programs, and it also provides distinguished services for talented children so sponsor and train them, this In addition to the development projects program for orphan families.

The concept of comprehensive care is based on social follow-up and direct supervision by specialists and supervisors at home, community and school. It also provides children with other services such as educational courses, recreational trips and health follow-up.

Normal orphan sponsorship

It is intended to provide a suitable environment in which an orphan is brought up in a healthy upbringing, receiving education. The value of the sponsorship is $ 40 per month; thus, the sponsor of the orphan is one who provides him with his needs such as living expenses for food and clothing and provides him with advice, guidance and discipline.

Educational orphan sponsorship

Through this sponsorship, school supplies for orphans are provided, which are valued at $ 50 per month and equivalent to $ 600 per year and it include (tuition, school uniform, school bag and stationery). Those orphans are learning at orphan schools, supervised by the Palestinian Orphan Home Association.

In conclusion

Whenever we think of a word of an orphan, we remember loneliness… grief … pain .. family ..but together we will change the meaning of the word to bring it to life and protect this orphan from emotional deprivation, just as our prophet peace be upon him was an example in dealing with the orphan so he said “Bring the orphan close to you, pat his head, and feed him with the same food you eat. It will soften your heart and fulfill your need.

Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said, “I will be like this in Jannah with the person who takes care of an orphan”. Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) raised his forefinger and middle finger by way of illustration.

In conclusion

Our honorable brothers: Your generous contribution will constitute a tangible change and a positive impact on the lives of these orphans who found in you a kind heart of full of good and a wall that protects them from being broken at the gates of fear, orphanage and deprivation.

And on this hope many of the orphans live in the Gaza Strip at the beginning of every sun watching the caring hand that extends to them to help them in these difficult times so they can forget some of the tragedy they face.

Your blessed support will provide the orphans and the sponsored with the necessities of survival such as food, clothing and medicine, and will give them education to permanently get rid of the darkness of ignorance and backwardness, and help them overcome any difficulties.

In conclusion Our honorable brothers: Your generous contribution will constitute a tangible change and a positive impact on the lives of these orphans who found in you a kind heart of full of good and a wall that protects them from being broken at the gates of fear, orphanage and deprivation. And on this hope many of the orphans live in the Gaza Strip at the beginning of every sun watching the caring hand that extends to them to help them in these difficult times so they can forget some of the tragedy they face. Your blessed support will provide the orphans and the sponsored with the necessities of survival such as food, clothing and medicine, and will give them education to permanently get rid of the darkness of ignorance and backwardness, and help them overcome any difficulties.

Who can help these orphans … whoever helps them … who wipes their tears … who gives them a hand.

Please kindly participate with us in the project to sponsor an orphan … Sponsorship is worship and happiness

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