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Sponsorship for widows in Gaza

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Sponsorship for widows in Gaza

Since October 7, 2023, Gaza Strip has been subjected to violent war and it is still continues to face daily massacres, leaving devastating impacts on both humanitarian and social levels. Among the most affected and suffering groups are orphans and their families who have lost one or both parents. This has significantly increased the number of orphans in the community, with the count rising daily.


These orphans live in harsh conditions, lacking even the basic necessities for a dignified life. Most of them are displaced and live in tents as they and their families are displaced. Their suffering is compounded by the fact that they do not meet the criteria for sponsorship, as they are over the age of 16. However, their suffering is beyond description; they lack food, drink, clean water, adequate healthcare, and social protection. They have lost the essentials for a dignified life, and their displacement and homelessness are basic reason to their misery. Often, these orphans find themselves in direct confrontation with poverty and deprivation, which exacerbates their psychological and physical suffering, especially since they do not receive any support from any organization.

From here, it is essential to extend a helping hand to those orphans and guide them to safety by providing a monthly sponsorship for their families. This sponsorship aims to contribute to alleviating the crisis faced by widowed women.
In light of the difficult conditions and the horrors of war that the Gaza Strip is experiencing, the role of organizations and humanitarian groups becomes vital in providing the necessary support to these orphans and assisting their mothers. This vulnerable group needs monthly assistance and sponsorship to meet their basic needs and help them overcome their hardships, ensuring the achievement of desired goals and offering a better life for them and their families.
Sponsorship for the widows of orphans in Gaza remains an urgent humanitarian and religious issue that calls for immediate intervention from everyone. By providing support and assistance to these families, we contribute to alleviating their suffering amid the challenging circumstances faced by the Gaza Strip.

The project for the sponsorship of widowed mothers in Gaza represents an urgent humanitarian and religious response to the significant challenges faced by their families. This project is not only a charitable initiative; it is a commitment to building a better and more stable future for these orphans and their families who have lost their loved ones and faced unimaginable hardships.

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Donation Total: $100