Purchase vouchers
Purchasing Vouchers Project
The project of purchasing vouchers is one of the charitable projects that embodies a form of social solidarity among the members of the same society, as stated in the hadeeth of the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said, “The believers in their mutual kindness, compassion and sympathy are just like one body. When one of the limbs suffers, the whole body responds to it with wakefulness and fever”.
Due to the poor economic and living conditions of the Palestinian people, we are working hard to provide all the basic necessities of the poor who do not have a breadwinner to support them.
Therefore, every year the Palestinian Orphan Home Association implements such projects, where it distributes of vouchers to poor families so that the family can buy basic food supplies from the supermarket to meet the most of the basic needs of food for living.
Implementation of the project:
A number of supermarkets are contracted in the different areas of the Gaza Strip to facilitate poor and needy families to obtain their basic and
Project Objectives:
Contribute to the provision of necessities for poor and needy families through this charity project
Target group of purchasing vouchers project
The poor families, the orphans, the disabled and the victims from the repeated wars on the Gaza Strip and the marginalized categories.
Outputs of the purchasing vouchers project
Improving the living and economic situation of a number of poor and needy families through providing basic necessities for poor families, orphans and disabled people
Criteria for selecting direct beneficiaries of purchasing vouchers
1- The need of the family and the level of poverty and destitution that they suffer from.
2- The economic situation of the family , the poorer the family, the higher the priority to benefit from the project.
3- Inability of the head of the family to meet the needs of his/her children of the basic food supplies.
4- Number of family members of the beneficiary and the existence of some special cases (elderly people, patients, disabled, injured )
Some photos of the implementation of vouchers project