$0 of $24,000 raised

Comprehensive Care Project

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Comprehensive Care Project

$0 of $24,000 raised

Because of what is Palestine passing through, especially the Gaza Strip, and the continuation of wars against Gaza through the occupation and scarification the blood of martyrs and wounded.

This has impacted negatively the lives of our society and the outcome was many of the martyrs who left behind orphans and widows.

Which has exacerbated many of the problems of these families, especially that recent statistics, which showed that the average age of widowed mothers between the age of 18 and above and most of the orphans  are  young age.

One of the objectives of the Palestinian Orphan Home Association is to pay attention to these groups because they the association feels the need for comprehensive care.

The association ensures that they have adequate emotional satisfaction and psychological and social security , and support them in their stability, and then their ability to have responsibilities of their own interest and contribute to the building of society and the ability to cope with the difficulties of life.

The Integrated Care program for orphans is designed to help the widow to reconcile psychological, social, biological and spiritual aspects.

Objectives of the integrated care program for orphans

1- Rehabilitation of newly orphans mothers due to their inability to solve the problems they face in the first period of that they face, and lack of full health care for them and their families

And the provision of educational programs that contribute to the awareness of mothers in how to raise children and maintain their lives in a stable manner.

2 – supporting  widows to appropriate rehabilitation programs and to improve their ability to manage their affairs and raise their children under the new conditions that live.

3 – Implementation of programs and campaigns in the areas of psychological awareness and work to rid the community of bad habits and ideas.

Field visits
Field visits

4 – Reduce childhood diseases and raise awareness of parents in ways of prevention – and health awareness and contribute to the provision of a healthy environment suitable for widows and orphans.

5- Assist widows in obtaining vocational and academic qualifications in order to increase their chances of obtaining employment.

6 – Reduce the spread of poverty and the implementation of emergency intervention programs for new orphans and orphans for the lack of corruption, violence, crime and family disintegration.

7- Consolidate and improve the relationship between orphans and their mothers.

The role of Integrated care in improving the situation of orphans

The role of integrated care is to improve the situation of orphans and provide a safe environment for them in their various aspects (educational, psychological, social, economic, legal, health and religious, and strengthening the role of orphans in all fields)

The nature of integrated care work:

Periodic follow-up through field visits and it is divided into:

1 – Home visits through field visits and visit the family of orphans in the house.

2 – Visits of the office: the visit of the mothers to the Office and update the information of new orphans through the form of orphans with the identification documents that will be sent to orphans department.

3 – School visits: Orphans are visited in schools to follow up their academic status and follow up with the school counselor for some cases that need attention.

4 -Psychological support sessions for mothers: The widow suffers after the death of her husband in a state of shock, which makes her suffering from psychological status, so this helps to try to support their ability to determine plans for her life.

5- Psychological support sessions for orphans: Psychological support sessions for orphans are organized in general and the focus is on orphans suffering from health, psychological and behavioral problems.

6 – Coverage of humanitarian needs:  it is provided with the help of clothing or household needs or the restoration of a house.

Entertainment trips for orphans
Entertainment trips for orphans

7- Supporting and building the capacity of mothers and through training and rehabilitation courses.

8 – Training courses for mothers: organize forthem training courses and professional support in the presence of programs such as embroidery courses – food processing – sewing)

9 – Medical follow-up: through the medical days organized for the widow and orphans

10- Improving the educational situation of orphaned students.

11- Summer and winter camps: Various programs are organized for students during vacations, including educational, cultural, training and recreational programs.

12 – Memorization Quran centers: Orphans are registered in the nearest mosque to the house through which the orphan is followed religiously.

13 – Celebrations and entertainment days: Integrated care is carried out a lot of seasonal celebrations that seek to alleviate the suffering of mothers and orphans and allow them to alleviate  their  psychological problems.

Entertainment trips for orphans

14 – Ramadan fast breaking: Through the holy month of Ramadan to the  mothers and widows and provide entertainment programs,

15 – campaigns and initiatives: through the participation of orphans with supervisors in many campaigns and initiatives.

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Donation Total: $20